What We Do
- Liturgy and pastoral care conducted in Hungarian.
Every Sunday at 11 o'clock, we have a Catholic Mass in Hungarian, where we sing our traditional church hymns contained in the prestigious Szent Vagy Uram hymnal.
The priests of the Mission serve the spiritual needs of our community by administering the sacrament of baptism, matrimony, visit the homebound, anoint the sick, and conduct funerals.
- Provide opportunity for Hungarian-Americans to maintain their cultural identity and language.
As an example, after each Sunday's Mass, friends and members of the Hungarian Catholic Mission gather in the Woodside Priory Student Dining Hall for reception and social interaction in Hungarian and English.
Hungarian families take turns in providing authentic homemade Hungarian meals.
Our Mission also regularly sponsors cultural events, receives visiting artists from Hungary and provides opportunity for their performances.
- Organize charity events for helping Hungarians in the United States and abroad.
Acts of charity include support to the Hungarian minority in Transylvania (now part of Romania) and the Sub Carpathian region of Ukraine.
We have also been helping individuals and communities that suffer from poverty, sickness or natural disasters such as floods, and industrial calamities.
In recent years, we began providing assistance to poor Hungarian parishes that include funding to renovate church buildings, and schools of higher education.
Our donations have helped the Central School of Theology in Budapest, orphanages in Déva, Transylvania; and Mezökeresztes, Hungary; retirement homes and funding for a home for poor expecting mothers.
We have helped with the expenses of high school students from Hungary to spend a year or two at Woodside Priory School in order to enrich their English and broaden their knowledge of the American culture.
The Mission donates significant sums of money every year to support multiple Hungarian causes.
None of what we do is possible without the generous contributions of Hungarians and supporters of the Hungarian Catholic Mission.
It is our hope also that the efforts of our small but dedicated Mission might serve as a modest encouragement to our Hungarian people.
We hope to be able to continue the realization of our goals and increase our effectiveness, relying on the spiritual and material help of our friends and especially Divine Providence.