Hungarian Catholic Mission

Battered Women in Hungary

One in four women will be confronted with domestic violence. Over 20% of pregnant women will die as a result of such violence. These are frightening statistics in a world we hope would be free of violence.

The Hungarian Catholic Mission has identified an immediate need to help women and children of domestic abuse in Budapest, Hungary. We will work closely with the Arch Dioceses and other Christian and Hungarian Aid Organizations to help the needy.

Through your donations, we are attempting to open at least one new shelter each year in Budapest, Hungary. Each shelter costs between $60,000 and $70,000 to open and maintain. With your support, our shelters will provide the following services:

  • 30-365 days of temporary emergency shelter
  • Food for the victims as they stay and are protected in our shelters
  • Counseling to victims for both mothers and their children
  • Job Training for spouses to allow them to be active and productive members of society
  • Day Care Service for the children of domestic abuse—This allows time needed to nurture children while the mother receives critical job training
  • Court Advocacy that provides legal support and assistance to victims of domestic violence

We are here with open hearts to help women and children of domestic abuse to get back on their feet. The Hungarian Catholic Mission receives many requests from users who would like to donate to our women’s shelter. To make a contribution, please click here. With your kind donation, we can make a difference.

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