Hungarian Catholic Mission

Deva Foundations

Saint Francis Foundation of Deva is a non-profit organization founded by Csaba Böjte, a Franciscan brother. Father Böjte studied theology in Alba Iulia and was ordained a priest in 1989. After serving in several parishes, Father Böjte was transferred to Déva where he brought about a significant change in the lives of local Romanian and Hungarian people. His ministry began with Father Böjte and his Franciscan monks adopting several homeless children. The needy were housed at a local monestary in the early 1990’s. In a very short period of time, the good work of Father Böjte’s orphanages began to spread nationally and internationally.

In 1996, the Hungarian Catholic Mission and many other non-profit organziations began funding Father Böjte’s orphanage and humanitarian requirements. Within six years (2002), the Deva Foundation was officially established. The Deva Foundation operates primarily in the Deva region of Romania and has support centers throughout Transylvania and Hungary. Over the last nine years, the Deva Foundation has helped over 1500 poor and orphaned children receive a Christian education, housing, clothing and a dignity of life. The Deva foundation has increased in size by 1,000 percent and has received international awards for its humanitarian work. Currently, the Deva foundation runs over 50 day-care centers in Transylvania and 15 homes throughout the region.

Our goals through your generocity are:

  • Represent the interest of our children and ensure their protection
  • Promote our childrens intellectual and social development
  • Preserve our children’s cultural heritage
  • Develop international contacts to promote the needs of our children
  • Organize Hungarian and international youth camps

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